On December 7, Nicholas Miguel Torrejón came into the world to join his sister Sophia and his mom and dad, Kristina and José. We welcome this 8 lb. 3 oz. beautiful baby boy as our second grandchild. He is healthy; his mother is doing fine; and we thank God for this little bundle of joy!
Eric (19) graduated from high school this year. He is working at Barnes & Noble as a bookseller. He took a quick trip to Europe in October and is planning to go to college in the spring.
Michelle left to go back to Central Asia in April, then made an unexpected return trip home a month later when a health concern arose. After three weeks she was given a clean bill of health and is back and very busy in her multi-faceted work as deputy director of a relief agency there.
Besides adding another member to their family, Kristina and José moved to West New York, NJ. They both still work in Manhattan: Kristina at APA International and José at J. Crew. Sophia is an adorable 2½-year-old who makes “Ama” and “Papa” feel very special.
Charlotte completed her third year as head nurse in Dr. Ellen Gendler’s dermatology office. While not always an assignment, God has given Charlotte incredible favor and little by little the impact of her life is bearing fruit. Charlotte has been busy throughout the year meeting and discipling women through Trinity Grace Church where we attend. This coming year she will be giving leadership to the women’s ministry. Of course, she treasures her Fridays, the day she gets to spend with Sophia.
Gary reached the five-year milestone with Barnes & Noble in November. He has worked as a merchandise manager the past two years. It has been a valuable experience.
Seven years ago we sensed very strongly that God was calling us to Manhattan. We arrived here in July 2002, and over the past six and a half years we have had to put our trust in God that He knew what He was doing when He called us here. Almost two years ago we began attending Trinity Grace Church (then called Origins). Immediately we sensed we had found a home and a place where we could participate in building God’s Kingdom. We have both become active in loving, leading and nurturing the people who have gathered in this faith community. Celebrating three years of existence this coming April, TGC is now a growing community of 700 people. And now the next chapter of our lives: Trinity Grace Church has asked Gary to come on staff as Pastor of Justice and Care. Beginning in January Gary will be responsible initially to give direction and raise up lay ministers who will provide pastoral care throughout the city. Also Gary will be working to put feet to our faith as we tackle in Jesus’ name issues such as hunger, poverty, homelessness, prejudice, and other justice issues.
As a family we are blessed, we are thrilled with the privilege of ministering in this amazing city during one of its most challenging times.
At Last, He has Come
I read it every year. It’s my prelude to Easter. It gets me every single
time. Tears well up when I read the story of the Troubadour who sings his
7 years ago
1 comment:
Finally checking up on blogs... congratulations on Nicholas!!! I didn't know.
Blessings to you and Charlotte this Christmas
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